St Pius X Catholic Primary School

'Restore all things in Christ'

01229 828406

Schneider Road, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 4AA

Subject Leader - Mrs J Crellin

Subject Governor - Mrs M Casey

Science Curriculum Intent Statement

At St. Pius X we believe in a broad and balanced curriculum which encourages children’s natural curiosity and understanding of the world we live in.

Our ambitious science curriculum fulfils the National Curriculum requirements and we use various resources to aid our delivery of the objectives. Our scheme of work is coherently planned, sequenced and has rigorous progression to enable children to reach their full potential. As we nurture the essential aspects of scientific knowledge and skills throughout our science curriculum, we also embed ‘working scientifically’ within the content which is acquired through an enquiry based learning approach to allow pupils to succeed in life. Our skills progression allows teaching and learning of science to be easily adapted to meet the needs of all our pupils. Science has meaningful links to other subjects such as math, English, reading, RE, art, design technology and PE. As a Catholic school our faith underpins our key teachings and pupils learn the importance of caring for and appreciating God's world, including our local area. Our core Gospel Values are golden threads of our science scheme: we aim to develop the children’s love and compassion of the world around them, teach children the importance of service by being God's stewards of the earth and to instil hope and optimism in the future of the earth. This approach helps to expand our pupils social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.

Our science curriculum not only develops our pupils educationally, but we plan experiences to develop our children's cultural capital such as Science Week, STEM Day at BAE Systems, Lego League and visits from C-STEM and United Utilities.

'Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them'.

Psalm 111:2

Long Term Plan

Progression of Scientific Knowledge

Progression in Working Scientifically Skills

Progression in Scientific Vocabulary

Assessment in Science

At the end of each term, staff will assess each science topic area against assessment statements directly onto ScholarPack.

At the end of each Key Stage, the statutory assessment for science is based on teacher assessment, therefore assessments will be recorded appropriately and some examples of work held in curriculum books.


Science Enrichment & Cultural Capital

We aim to constantly improve our enrichment and cultural capital offering in Science. Currently, the subject is enhanced by the following:

  • EYFS & KS1 How Tun Woods - Seasons.
  • EYFS & KS1 Ormsgill Reservoir, Sandscale Haws, Williamson Park, Lakeland Wildlife Oasis and Muncaster Castle - Animals, including humans.
  • EYFS Farmer brings a lamb to school.
  • KS1 Lakeland Maize Maze, Greenlands Farm, Grizedale Forest, Walney Island Beach and South Lakes Safari Zoo - Anmals, including humans.
  • KS1 Tesco (Farm to Fork, Firestation and Nurse Visit - Living things and their habitats.
  • KS1 Dock Museum Toys - Materials.
  • LKS2 Growing Well Project and Coniston Water Park - Animals, including humans and Plants.
  • UKS2 Furness STEM Show
  • UKS2 London Residential.
  • Science/Engineering Week.
  • STEM Day.
  • STEM Club
  • Lego Club.
  • Wellbeing in the Woods.