St Pius X Catholic Primary School

'Restore all things in Christ'

01229 828406

Schneider Road, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 4AA


While our classrooms have only been open to certain groups of children, our online teaching has enabled all of our youngest children to continue to access the high quality learning opportunities we pride ourselves on. 

When our bubble is closed, Our Early Years team use Tapestry Memo to upload a full outline of our day to along with Zoom links for children to access live lessons throughout the day. Our full timetable is followed with children receiving live Maths, Literacy, Phonics, Guided Reading and Topic Lessons throughout the day. When our EYFS bubble is in school, parents also have access to remote learning for those who are self isolating from contact outside school.

Below are some of the things we have gotten up to remotely. 

Communication and Language 

Physical Development 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development


World Book Day at Home


Understanding The World 

Expressive Arts and Design