Art & Design
Subject Leader - Miss S Stephens
Art & Design Curriculum Intent Statement
Art and design is an important asset to the primary curriculum, as it allows the child to immerse themselves into a world of imagination and creativity. By doing this, they are gaining the skills to be able to record their own imagination and ideas as they become independent learners with a mindset to grow. At St. Pius X, we follow the KAPOW scheme of learning for Art & Design. It is important for all children to receive a broad and balanced curriculum that encourages them to gain the creativity and independence they need to succeed in life. Our art and design curriculum fulfils the National Curriculum requirements with a clear progression of skills from Nursery to Year 6.
Our delivery of art and design is adapted to ensure it meets the needs of all our pupils. There are opportunities for those who may require extra support to work creatively in smaller groups or to use resources and equipment which supports their needs. Gifted and talented pupils can also be supported further, as there are a range of opportunities available to further their artistic abilities and to support them in reaching their full potential.
As a Catholic school, our faith underpins our key teachings, which is why it is important to encourage children to identify and explore the artistic talents they have been blessed with. God is an artist and we, as humans, are his greatest creations.
Allowing children to be able to explore their creativity is beneficial towards supporting their personal, social and emotional development, which is of upmost importance to our school. It enables children, especially ones who flourish in this area, to express themselves creatively through the power of art and to feel confident when doing so.
Our art and design curriculum not only develops our pupils educationally, but we plan in experiences to develop our children's cultural capital such as having artists visit our school to work with our pupils, or to work remotely via Zoom.
Long Term Plan
Curriculum Coverage
At St. Pius X, we deliver Art and Design following the National Curriculum (Years 1-6). Our Early Years Curriculum is guided by the EYFS Statutory Framework and supported by Development Matters.
National Curriculum 2014 - Art & Design:
Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage:
Skills & Knowledge Progression
Key Vocabulary Progression
At the end of each unit (taught termly), teachers will assess each child against their year group's learning goals (see below). Staff use formative assessment to assess against the learning goals on ScholarPack to make an end of year summative judgement.