Remote Learning
This page will remain under construction. As questions and queries are received about using and accessing IT, apps and different learning platforms, content will be added to help keep children learning effectively from home.
Our Remote Learning policy can be found under the Policy section of our website (click here).
Our main learning platforms are:
- Tapestry: click here (Nursery & Reception)
- Showbie: click here (Year 1 to Year 6)
In addition to using the learning platforms in the classroom and to set homework, we are using them to support children who have to isolate during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Both of our learning platforms can be downloaded as apps on tablets and iPads or accessed through a browser.
Other learning platforms or apps parents will need to ensure they have access to or have downloaded to support their child during Remote Learning includes:
- Times Tables Rock Stars: click here (already used regularly for homework)
- Zoom: click here (please download)
Furthermore, we have set up a private Facebook group called 'St Pius X Remote Learning, Challenges & Keeping In Touch'. Parents and carer are encouraged to join.
Equipment List
Parents should ensure pupils have the following equipment available at home:
- Device (desktop computer, laptop, iPad, tablet, smartphone, etc)
- Pencil
- Rubber
- Ruler
- Pen (if they have a pen licence)
- Colouring pencils (not felt tips)
- Whiteboard & drywipe pen or scrap paper & pencil (alternatively pupils can used the 'notes' app on a tablet or iPad)
- Exercise book (provided by school). Reception to Year 2 should use their green homework books.
Device and Internet Access
If your child does not have access to a device (desktop computer, laptop, iPad, tablet, smartphone, etc) please contact Mr McGoldrick for help. A survey has been sent out to parents in the Autumn term (2020).
Showbie (Years 1 to Year 6)
We plan to keep all of our remote learning in one place using a platform called Showbie (
A Showbie app can be added on most devices from the app store (including phones) or you can use Showbie in a browser.
Teachers will add all content for your child to learn to their Showbie account and all work submitted by children should be sent via Showbie.
We have a common login format for all children across the school.
For a child called Joseph Bloggs the login details would be:
Username: STPjosephbloggs (note: no capitals or spaces)
Password: STP###
###represents the three-letter Times Table Rockstars password that your child should know. Contact their teacher if not.
Signing up for Showbie
This will usually have been done by your teacher.
Signing in to Showbie
Joining Classes in Showbie
Uploading to Showbie from a PC
Uploading to Showbie from an iPad/tablet
Uploading to Showbie from a Smartphone