Design and Technology
At St Pius X Design and Technology is taught following the national curriculum. We aim to provide new experiences for children while building on skills.
National Lockdown - March 2020
When schools were ordered to close (to most pupils) we ensured Design and Technology continued to be accessed through setting challenges. Challenges include things such as:
Cutlery City,
The whole school was challenged to create either a character or animal using a wooden spoon, the aim was to create our own cutlery city to display in the planters at the front of school. Children were encouraged to use joining techniques as well as a range of materials to complete this challenge.
Making our own Pirate Ship
The children were challenged to use a explore range of materials and decide which might float, they were then challenged to create a ship that floats. Some children even tested their object in hot tubs to see if they could withstand 'bad weather'.
Class Bubble Closures
When school opened its doors to all students again we were so excited to have everyone back. However in some cases class bubbles have had to close due to Covid-19. We made the decision to continue teaching Design and Technology as normal even if this had to be done remotely! We have worked hard to adapt planning and lessons to ensure items around the house can be used and the children have enjoyed being creative and putting a twist on some of their ideas. They have produced some fantastic work from home whilst isolating.